Illawarra Area Schools Hold Reconciliation Week Events
Bellambi Public School students have created a media presentation involving student story-telling and singing to recognise Reconciliation Week 2020. Traditionally, thousands of students from different schools would join together to walk on the day but this project was created as an “equally moving event” in line with government restrictions.
The video begins with a Welcome to Country by Uncle Richard Archibald followed by a rendition of I Am Australian by the school’s choir including choreography, instrumentation and singing. The video then has an address about the topic of reconciliation by Aunty Sharralyn Robinson.
The video has been delivered as the first of several initiatives which will take place across Reconciliation Week, 2020 in the area. Albion Park Rail Public School, Oak Flats Public School, Balarang Public School and Oak Flats High School will all hold celebratory walks across the week.
To read the full and original article by the Illawarra Mercury click HERE.
Photo Credit: Robert Peet from the Illawarra Mercury