East Brisbane State School Students Collaborate to Help School Groundskeeper
East Brisbane State Schools students have taken initiative and invented what they have named a “Super Smart Sprinkler” system to help out their Groundskeeper Mr Lance. The group noticed their school oval drying out due to surrounding tall buildings casting shadows onto the school.
The students gathered to think of a way to help what the school described as a “much-admired groundskeeper”. Mr Lance said he was, “very grateful to the students for helping out with his daily chores.”
The Year 5-6 students are part of an “Advanced ICT Club” and put their skills to use to help out their school. Supervising teachers, Ms Brackenreg, said the objective was a, “healthy and green oval for students to play on, while learning about technology.”
Read the full original article published by Queensland Department of Education HERE.
Photo credit: As appeared in article by Queensland Department of Education.