Students Awarded for Leadership by Governor General

Patron of the SchoolAid Trust Sir Peter Cosgrove, and Lady Cosgrove, welcomed the 2018 SchoolAid Award winners at Admiralty House in Sydney.

Sir Peter shared words about the importance and relevance of what SchoolAid does to help young people feel connected and hopeful in this fast changing world.

Presented to Sir Peter and Lady Cosgrove on this occasion were outstanding young philanthropists: Jasmine Cochrane, Maverick Garaicoa, Giselle Parras, Winter Vincent, Donna Vithoulka and Peter Kotsis.

This year SchoolAid will be making more improvements to their platform for crowdfunding by young people and pushing out a newly created Social Action Kit to every school in 2018.

Queensland’s Maverick Garaicoa from Clontarf Beach State High School shared his thoughts about the impact he had felt as a result of being involved in a campaign to help others following Cyclone Debbie. Maverick challenged others to give it a go because it would make them feel great and help others.

In his vote of thanks, SchoolAid Founder and CEO, Sean Gordon, made clear that the mission remained one of “focussing on what we want for our youth” (hope, optimism, resilience and leadership) and not the problem (youth anxiety, depression and suicide). SchoolAid uses “giving” as tool to develop perspective while allowing young people to respond to causes they care about.

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