Learning Outside the Classroom
The physical benefits of sport and recreational activities, such as reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, are widely known. However, research is increasingly highlighting benefits that point towards helping with leadership development.
The NSW Office of Sport has identified that that physical activity can help leaders with personal growth, social integration, and the ability to connect and engage effectively with peers.
A study conducted in Australia found that hands-on contact with nature in primary school can play a significant role in cultivating positive mental health and wellbeing. Further, the benefits of outdoor experiences in secondary school can influence behavioural and lifestyle choices, which has the potential to positively impact the wider community.
Participation in outdoor learning is also proven to promote improved academic performance and problem solving. A study conducted in the United States found that secondary students who had undertaken outdoor learning scored higher in 72% of academic assessments including reading, science, maths, higher attendance rates and grade point averages, compared to students who hadn’t. Similarly, participating in outdoor learning programs helps students to develop critical thinking skills and enables them to become real-world problem solvers.
To view the full article published by the NSW Office of Sport CLICK HERE.