‘R U OK’ Day 2024 – Events, Fundraisers, and Conversations Across the Nation

On September 12, the colour yellow was worn, baked, and shown in schools across Australia, as students and teachers asked the question ‘R U OK?’. This year’s message was “Ask R U OK? Any Day because life happens every day.” Here are some brilliant events that were held this year across Australia by student leaders:

Student leaders at Guildford Grammar School held a ‘Conversation Café’ for secondary students to enjoy yellow cupcakes and drinks, while learning more skills to have meaningful conversations.

Lalor Secondary College wore yellow headbands and hair ties at their barbecue lunch, where students got to enjoy food and live music.

Tyndale Christian School at Salisbury East student leaders stood outside the front of their school in the morning welcoming everyone with smiles, sweets, and posters that reminded students that they are ‘here to hear’. A chalk mural that read “R U OK” was decorated at lunch, and donuts and personalised cards were exchanged.

Sir Joseph Banks High School student leaders held a barbecue breakfast for the whole school community and ran ‘wellbeing games’ to build connections between students.

These events are amongst many more in our nation. Well done to every school that ran events to spread awareness and fundraise for mental health! Remember to ask ‘R U OK?’ any day, because life happens every day.

For more information about the ‘R U OK?’ foundation and how you can access resources and get involved, access the official website here: https://www.ruok.org.au/

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